Hey, Bioneer, have you heard that July 8th is the International Save the Vaquita Day?
Vaquitas are the world’s smallest porpoise and are only found in the Gulf of California in Mexico. The species was first discovered in 1958 and is now the rarest marine mammal. At the time of discovery, it was estimated that the population was around 4–5,000 individuals. According to a survey released earlier this year, thepopulation may be as low as 30 individuals and it’s on the edge of extinction. The reason? Unsustainable and illegal fishing practices. Vaquitas are dying because they become entangled in gillnets and drown.
Luckily, some groups are working to protect the Vaquitas, including Actor and Bioneer Leonardo DiCaprio, who’s personally demanding action from Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.
Learn more about the issue and the solutions below:
- The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding committing to support the Mexican Government on its marine conservation efforts
- NOAA Fisheries Biologist Barbara Taylor and the scientific survey that has informed the Mexican government’s protection of the species
- Read more about the problem here and here
- Watch the full documentary Souls of the Vermillion Sea covering this issue to learn more
- Want to take action? Read more about what will be happening and how to get involved
Want to hear more Bioneers on how to protect our oceans? Watch James Nestor’s and Bren Smith’s keynote talks from the 2016 Conference and join us in 2017 to listen to Carl Safina talking about what other animals think and feel. Buy your tickets now! Early-bird rates end on July 31.